As We See It
We live in an era of mass disregard for the overall future of our planet and those who inhabit it in favor of personal gain within the scope of both capitalistic greed and social hierarchy. From long term genocidal massacres, to the environmental destruction of our planet, to the absolute disdain and hatred shown to others who do not immediately and completely conform to the social normative mandate, we find all this too overwhelming and daunting, giving in to the illusion that none of this has any potential for change, or that change must happen gradually and peacefully. The truth is, Progress is not made until those responsible for their behavior are given no other option but to change their actions, and until enough people realize that the current direction our society is devolving into can be redirected. This project serves as the first step, providing a jumping point for redirecting our awareness out of the bubble of what is considered normal, and into the mindset of progress.
Bite Your Teeth
Chase Your Tail
Roadkill Raccoon
Eat Your Heart Out
Don’t Go Outside
Eyes Peeled
Blind Rage
American Dream
Scape Goat
What You’ve Done
Bonus: BloodMoney